What’s new at IPP
MSPO 2023: A successful event for the defence industry
MSPO 2023: A successful event for the defence industry The 31st International Defence Industry Exhibition (MSPO) was held in Kielce, Poland from 5 to 8 September [...]
Capture Every Mission Detail in High Definition with MemorEyes!
Capture Every Mission Detail in High Definition with Laserdyne MemorEyes! The new Laserdyne MemorEyes is a solid-state high-definition digital video recorder for those conducting intelligence-gathering [...]
IPP and Robin Radar Systems
IPP and Robin Radar Systems Robin Radar the technology leader in radar tracking and classifying of small objects. With a focus on innovation and cutting-edge [...]
Long-Term Relationship
Long-Term Relationships Today, many connections are fleeting and based on specific questions or immediate needs that require quick responses. With the advancements in technology and mobile [...]
Eurofighter Offensive. The manufacturer announces large orders
Eurofighter Offensive. The manufacturer announces large orders According to Defence24, Giancarlo Mezzanatto (Chief Executive Officer for Eurofighter Jagdflugzeug GmbH), revealed that he is optimistic about the [...]
IPP & Laserdyne developing a Full HD Mil-Spec display
Developing the Black Opal 13.3” Full HD 1920x1080 multi-function Mil-Spec display IPP, in conjunction with Laserdyne, is developing a Black Opal 13.3” Full HD 1920x1080 [...]