Mishaps can happen
Anyone that has dropped their mobile phone, or spilt coffee onto their keyboard, knows that mishaps can be more than just a mild inconvenience. Now consider the displays used in your vehicles. Do you really want to risk the safety of your people and the operation of your vehicle to a mishap?

Whether it’s dust and shock exposure working in a mine, or water and impact exposure when responding to a natural disaster, Laserdyne’s Black Opal ruggedised displays offer state-of-the-art, real time video processing, with all the features you expect for land, sea and air-borne applications.
Laserdyne’s flexible and adaptable product design and modular architecture, allows Laserdyne to customise their displays to your meet your needs.

Visit https://ippbv.com/products/flat-panel-displays/ to learn more about Laserdyne’s Black Opal ruggedised displays!