Look back, look foward
Open the door if we knock, you won’t regret it!
After two years of pandemic, it looks like the Covid-wave is slowly rolling out. What we all have in common is that we have suffered. The level of sufferance depends per country, age and profession, but especially the elderly and kids & teenagers have sacrificed a lot.
But when we ask ourselves if there are positive aspects to look back on in the last two years, we can also conclude that there have been some good parts. More time for family and friends, a hobby, that social media is not only for the young and that there is also beautiful nature close by.

From a business perspective, we discovered that there are many ways to communicate, and long-lasting relationship are better than the quick and fleeting.
Our Technical Sales Managers have done their utmost to assist and advice our customers from a distance. But we have to confess: they prefer to do it live. Meeting face-to-face, feel the interaction, discussing solutions and challenges.
Our Sales Managers are eager to come over and update, discuss and demonstrate. Your coffee is better then their home-made and their advice is better if they are visiting on-site rather than via a 20’’ screen.

We have learned a lot in the past 2 pandemic years, but human, face-to-face interaction is good for everybody. So please open the door if they knock on it – you will not regret it.