IPP to supply Harness number 1.000 for the NH90 Helicopter!
With the design-start in 2006, and the first production order in 2010, together with our principal Cristek we have been a strong and reliable partner for Hensoldt Sensors over the last 15 years by providing 4 different customized harnesses plus all associated mating connectors for the Deployable Voice and Data Recording System of the NH 90 Helicopter which is in use with over 15 nations!

The VDRS can be seen in the pictures (underneath the red-white circle).
With the last order end of 2021 we have exceeded the “magic number” of 1.000 harnesses which IPP will supply for this major program.
Although we had to overcome some design changes forced by the current pandemic crises due to obsolete components we have supported our customer in our best way and found together a solution to keep their production running.

We are proud of that achievement and we are looking forward to make the next announcement for “Harness-No 2.000”!
Let us know how we can help and support you with your connector and harness requirements to make your project a success as well.
We are sure together with our partner Cristek Interconnects. We can help you as well to find the right solutions for your need. Just contact us.