Changes in harmonized system 2022
The customs classification of goods is essential worldwide!
Determining the customs classification of goods is essential to ensure that goods are correctly classified according to the Harmonized System in use worldwide.
The customs classification is also essential as it relates to:

To keep our supply chain process as fluid as possible, it is essential that determining the customs classification of goods is done correctly. Properly classifying goods is complex and not made easier by the many different names for all the classifications, which partly overlap:
Due to new technology and development a whole new group of products will be implemented in the harmonized system in 2022!
Amongst others: Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) or drones, (Products made of) glass fibres, Flat Panel Display Modules and Dual-use items (such as certain toxins or laboratory equipment, radioactive material, ignition mechanisms).
IPP always makes sure that we use the correct codes. Need help or advice? Do not hesitate to contact us.